
Define your USP (Unique Selling Point)

In this recipe we'll guide you in creating your own Unique Selling Point for your start-up business.


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Understand USP

A USP (unique selling point) is a must for any business.

An effective USP directly addresses a specific need that your company’s ideal customer faces.  It’s what makes you different and sets you apart from your competitors.

unique selling point sweet spot

Map out your audience

These are the people you’ll be targeting and creating content for. The key to creating a killer USP is remembering this: you can sell to everyone, but you can’t target everyone.

With this in mind, take a look at this link to understand what is required when creating a buyer persona. Once you’ve crafted your persona/s, you’ll have a better understanding of  how your services solve a problem for these people. This will help you craft your USP.

Audience Map

Jot down the problems you solve

Make a list of problems your service or products can solve. This can include issues like safety, freshness, saving time etc.

List benefits

Jot down the benefits your clients will gain from choosing you over your competitors. Some ideas could be:

  • Convenience
  • Niche
  • Great customer service

Define your pledge

Defining the promise your business makes to customers is an important part of creating your USP.

Unique selling proposition

Include adjectives

Describing the quality of your product or service is important. Make notes on some adjectives you feel best describe your offerings. Don’t make sentences out of this just yet though-

Add action with verbs

Now make notes on some verbs that best describe how your offerings add value to your potential customer.

Craft your promise

Now use your list of adjectives and verbs in sentences that are formed into promises. An example could read:

“Luigi’s pizzas are freshly made daily.”

Simple yet descriptive.

Write as many sentences as you can, not worrying too much about repeating certain things. This will help you merge your ideas together into one, powerful promise.

Combine & re-work

Now add all your notes together.


Rework your notes until you’ve condensed them into one paragraph. There will be recurring ideas that pop up in your paragraph. Make sure to reword and merge your statements to flow easily.


Once you’ve got this info down, refine your USP and condense it into 1 sentence.

Think DeBeers – “A diamond is forever”

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